Free Screening of Don’t Move a Mussel at Colter Bay in Grand Teton National Park

Mussels encrust shopping cart submerged in a lake

August 19, 2008
Grand Teton National Park will host a free screening of a film titled Don’t Move a Mussel in the Colter Bay Visitor Center auditorium at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, August 22. The 46-minute-long film, created by Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, is open to the general public.

Don’t Move a Mussel was made possible through a collaborative effort between state and federal agencies and organizations working together under the 100th Meridian Initiative—an effort to prevent the spread of exotic species of mussels into the western United States. Major funding was provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.

The film is arranged in two parts. The first portion provides background information about the invasion of quagga and zebra mussels from the eastern United States into additional states; it explains their origins, distribution, biology and transport routes and outlines the impacts these non-native species could have on various regions of the country. This segment also contains ideas about how to avoid spreading and exacerbating the problem of exotic species such as quagga and zebra mussels and how to prevent their adverse impacts. The second part of the film teaches viewers about watercraft inspection and decontamination. This pragmatic segment includes detailed demonstrations of the inspection and decontamination processes.

The screening should be of particular interest to boat owners, to those who enjoy water recreation across the western states, and to anyone who is concerned about the impacts of exotic species in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and other vulnerable areas.