Teton Park Road Opens for Spring Activities

March 23, 2009
The Teton Park, Moose-Wilson, and Antelope Flats roads in Grand Teton National Park have been plowed free of snow and may now be used for non-motorized activities such as hiking, biking, and inline skating. The Antelope Flats Road will open to vehicles in about two weeks time. The Teton Park and Moose-Wilson roads will open to vehicle traffic for the full summer season on Friday, May 1, 2009.

While these roadways were cleared of their winter snow cover this past week, new snow is likely to accumulate on their surfaces during late season snowstorms. Visitors should also be alert for park vehicles that may occasionally travel the Teton Park Road for administrative purposes.

Leashed dogs are permitted on the Teton Park, Antelope Flats, and Moose-Wilson roads, as well as other park roadways. Dogs are restricted to roads and turnouts — they are not permitted to travel beyond the roadbeds, or into the park’s backcountry. Owners are required to keep pets on a leash (six foot maximum length). Mutt Mitt stations are in place at the Taggart Lake parking area and pet owners are required to use waste disposal bags to pick up after their dogs.

As a reminder, entrance stations are operating and collecting fees. Fee options are as follows:
$12 for a 7-day permit for foot/bicycle entry into Grand Teton & Yellowstone national parks
$20 for a 7-day permit for motorcycle entry into Grand Teton & Yellowstone national parks
$25 for a 7-day permit for vehicle entry into Grand Teton & Yellowstone national parks
$50 for a Grand Teton/Yellowstone Annual Pass valid for one-year entry into both parks
$80 for an Interagency Annual Pass valid for one year entry to all fee areas on federal lands

When entering the park using a pass, please be sure to bring personal identification.

Bicyclists are required to stop and show an entry pass before proceeding through the gates, just as motorized vehicles are required to do.

The new pathway running from Dornan’s to South Jenny Lake will NOT be open for public use until the snow recedes naturally and final construction work can be completed on the bridge spanning Cottonwood Creek. A formal announcement will be made when the new pathway becomes available for public use, and until that time, visitors and local residents must refrain from accessing the pathway.

The annual springtime opening of the Teton Park Road is a much anticipated event because it provides a unique and excellent opportunity to access the roadway before regular vehicle traffic begins for the summer.